Herzlich willkommen beim Zentrum für Mehrsprachigkeit!

Unsere Ziele:

- Mehrsprachigkeit interdisziplinär zu beforschen und in die universitäre Lehre zu integrieren

- Förderung des akademischen Nachwuchses

- Entwicklung von Weiterbildungen und Beratung von Bildungseinrichtungen

- Beratung von Familien bei Fragen zur mehrsprachigen Erziehung

The Multilingual Mind: Lecture series on multilingualism across disciplines

The lecture series "The Multilingual Mind" will start on the 31th of October 2023 and will run until February 2024. The lectures will take place on some tuesdays from 17.00 until 18.30 in room R512 (University of Konstanz).

The lecture series is organised by the Department of Linguistics, the Centre for Multilingualism at the University of Konstanz and the Multilingual Mind project. As in the previous semesters, the speakers will present research findings on multilingualism across different disciplines, in line with the MultiMind project (linguistics, education, psychology, neuroscience, speech & language pathology). The lecture series is aimed at everyone interested in Multilingualism.


Dr Michal Korenar (Universiteit van Amsterdam): Bilingualism as a brain-changing experience (Abstract)


Prof Dr Christiane Bongartz (Universität zu Köln): Multilingualism and research in psycholinguistics: the risks of abstraction (Abstract)


Dr Maria Luisa Lorusso (cientific Institute IRCCS E. Medea): Identifying Developmental Language Disorder in multilingual children (Abstract)


Prof Dr Flavia Adani (Freie Universität Berlin): Teachers’ good practices and perceived impact of inclusion dealing with multilingual children (Abstract)


Dr Edina Krompák (Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern): Linguistic landscape and language learning (Abstract)