Workshop on language-sensitive teaching on Teacher Training Day (BiSE)

Friday, 22. November 2024
13:00 - 18:00

Universität Konstanz, Room R711

Binational School of Education (BiSE) Konstanz

Prof. Dr. Theo Marinis, Saskia Braun

Celebrate 10 years of the Center for Multilingualism at the University of Konstanz with us! The event is part of our anniversary celebrations.

On the Teacher Training Day of the Binational School of Education (BiSE), Prof. Dr. Theodoros Marinis and Saskia Braun will offer a workshop entitled Heterogeneity in the classroom: Practical approaches for language-sensitive teaching:

In view of the increasing linguistic heterogeneity in classrooms, teachers are faced with the daily challenge of designing their lessons in a language-sensitive way. Based on current findings from multilingualism research and taking into account practical examples and exercises from the EU project ACTIN ( as well as our own previous language-sensitive lesson designs, basic methods and activities of language-sensitive (subject-)teaching will be discussed and developed.

The program of the Teacher Training Day offers the keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Colin Cramer (Educational Science) on the “Dimensions of synergetic cooperation between science and school practice in society”, as well as a wide range of workshops. The focus will not only be on intercultural competence and democracy education, but also on the topics of digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) as well as education for sustainable development. In the workshops, concrete examples regarding the transfer between science and school will be discussed.

Registration for the Teacher Training Day is required by 08.11.2024. You can find more information here.