10th anniversary of the Centre for Multilingualism

The Centre for Multilingualism looks back on 10 years of cooperation and projects.

It is now 10 years since the Centre for Multilingualism was founded as the first german branch of the international network ‘Bilingualism Matters’. The centre has been carrying out projects on multilingualism since 2014 and combines research from linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, educational science and speech therapy.

In recent years, we have been able to gain a number of members and cooperation partners, pool knowledge and develop joint ideas. We can look back on 11 completed projects and are pleased to be involved in 6 current projects.

In addition to interdisciplinary research and the promotion of young academics, our aims also include the development of further training programmes. As part of the completed projects, a number of websites have been developed to support parents/ teachers/ educators. This also includes the Moodle course of the Teacher Education About Multilingualism project, which provides teachers with knowledge on the subject of multilingualism.

Over the years, we have also collected a number of resources on the topic of multilingualism, which you can find here. These include our self-developed flyer ‘Multilingualism in childhood: tips for parents’, which have been translated into Russian, Ukrainian, English, Romanian and many other languages.

To celebrate our birthday and to answer any questions you may have, we would like to invite you to the following events:

29.09.2024 Internationaler Eltern-Infotag for parents  
30.10.2024 Vortrag: Mehrsprachigkeit und sprachliche Entwicklung for educators and teachers  
22.11.2024 Workshop zum sprachsensiblen Unterricht for teachers  

We are looking forward to your visit!