Herzlich willkommen beim Zentrum für Mehrsprachigkeit!

Unsere Ziele:

- Mehrsprachigkeit interdisziplinär zu beforschen und in die universitäre Lehre zu integrieren

- Förderung des akademischen Nachwuchses

- Entwicklung von Weiterbildungen und Beratung von Bildungseinrichtungen

- Beratung von Familien bei Fragen zur mehrsprachigen Erziehung

The Multilingual Mind: Lecture series on multilingualism across disciplines

The lecture series "The Multilingual Mind" will start on the 8th of November 2022 and will run until January 2023. The lectures will take place every Tuesday from 17.00 until 18.30 (CET/UTC+01).

The lecture series is organised by the Department of Linguistics and Centre for Multilingualism at the University of Konstanz and the Multilingual Mind project. As in the previous semesters, the speakers will present research findings on multilingualism across different disciplines, in line with the MultiMind project (linguistics, education, psychology, neuroscience, speech & language pathology). The lecture series is aimed at everyone interested in Multilingualism.

To attend the online lectures, please click here to register and to receive an e-mail with the Zoom link.  

08.11.22 (A703)

Anamaria Bentea (University of Konstanz): On-line Comprehension and Production of Multiple Interrogatives in Romanian Heritage Children

15.11.22 (A703)

Anika Lloyd-Smith (University of Konstanz): Do policies change language use? The Sámi languages in Sweden and Norway

Monday 28.11.22

(Audiax -




Theodoros Marinis (University of Konstanz): Mythen und Realität über Mehrsprachigkeit (in German, in Audimax, part of Studium Generale)




Federico Faloppa (University of Reading): Opening of the exhibition ‘Beyond the boarder’

13.12.22 (Zoom)

Grazia Di Pisa (University of Konstanz): Effects of markedness in gender processing in Italian as a heritage language: A speed accuracy tradeoff (Abstract)

20.12.22 (A703)

Jacopo Torregrossa (University of Frankfurt): Boosting metalinguistic awareness and text comprehension under dual language activation (Abstract)

10.01.23 (Zoom)

Eleni Peristeri (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): Measuring the impact of bilingualism in the language and cognitive skills of autistic children (Abstract)

24.01.23 (Zoom)

Sofía Castro (Jagiellonian University): Bilingualism and the expression of stereotypes: the importance of executive control and motivation (Abstract

31.01.23 (Zoom)

Despina Papadopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): Relative clauses in L2 Greek: experimental and corpus data (Abstract